“Manspreading.” No question, the act is inconsiderate. Even downright rude. But the word, itself? Possibly even more offensive. It almost makes me cringe.
If you’re not familiar, “manspreading” is something that men do all the time – in public and mostly in settings of mass transportation. (Think, ‘on the subway, the train or on the bus’.) They sit with their legs open to the widest possible position so as to claim space equivalent to what two or more adult human beings would occupy while seated. In cases of tall men, or those with unusually long legs, this can measure up to four feet!
You see it all the time, yet you’re unfazed. Unless you’re standing during that long streetcar ride while Mr. VeeLimbs owns a row. Men have been extending themselves (not in the good way) like this for years. But now, manspreading has become “a thing” – with its own word and name.
To me, the behavior is certainly irksome, but what can you do if Mr. Gargantuan wants to splay in a way that maximizes his personal space? I mean, if the thought to offer his super-sized spot to an aged, feeble, or disabled rider doesn’t occur to this guy, do you really think limiting himself to one seat is ever going to register?
Even what they call this is icky. “Manspreading”! Just the word evokes a visual of some guy sowing his seed.
Next time we’ll look at “Mansplaining”– when a man proceeds to explain something to a woman in that condescending, patronizing way. Now that’s obnoxious behavior worthy of a public service campaign!